to calculate modularity in two-mode networksplot_multilevel()
that rotates a force-directed igraph
plot in three dimensions to reveal multilevel structureplot_globalnet()
to map a multilevel network on to a javascript, rotatable global2018-08-25
to calculate observed/expected clustering, observed/expected path-length, and the observed/expected clustering ratiotwomode_2x2()
to identify dominance and coherence values for networks over timetwomode_coherence()
to allow for introduction of second-mode attributestwomode_fragmentation()
to twomode_components()
to plot values through a two-by-two matrix2018-08-14
to calculate number of components in two-mode networks and identify their membershiptwomode_dominance()
to allow an nodal attribute to be passed to the function to weight the centralization measuretwomode_coherence()
to calculate Jaccard similarityplot_twomode()
, which wraps plot(igraph::graph_from_incidence_matrix())
with some useful defaults
file with instructions on how to install packageLICENSE
file and pointed to bug/issue trackerNEWS.md
file to track changes to the packagetwomode_clustering()
to calculate percentage of three-paths closed by four-pathstwomode_lattice()
to create two-mode latticestwomode_centralization_degree()
to calculate degree centralization in two-mode networks, for rows, columns, or bothtwomode_centralization_between()
to calculate betweenness centralization in two-mode networkstwomode_constraint()
to calculate network constraint in two-mode networksarrange.vars()
to rearrange variables by position